Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bush Free Fugee

Just when I thought I'd seen it all. A Black Man got elected President of these United States. Then comes the news that George W. Bush, the former hanging governor of Texas and now President of these United States has commuted Fugee producer John Forte's 14 year prison sentence for drug possession. They claimed Forté’s sentence for accepting two suitcases containing $1.4 million worth of liquid cocaine wasn't fair because of mandatory minimums for drug cases. I say good work Carly Simon freeing that boy.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Picture this

My time in Nevada paid off. This United States got a new president I approve of! Now it's time I turn my attention back to the fight over some ancient photo of me.

I admit it's flattering to have these folks trying to figure if that's me in the photo that Steven “Zeke” Schein bought for $2200. That's a lot of $ for a picture. Now he's fighting with a bunch of my greedy relatives, I don't even know, about using the photo. I took my picture in a photo booth.

That's all I going to say. I just wonder if that's Jimmy Shines? I'm not sure if either one of us would be carrying a guitar that funky.