Monday, May 26, 2008

Welcome Ma.

Yes indeed, that's Ma Rainey. To those of you who might not know, she's the Queen of the Blues.

Now she's back. She got a computer, and a broadband connection, and now she's got herself a blog. Damn the world is better with Ma back. You got to love her attitude. They'd call her a feminist these days, she was called outrageous back then. Plus she's always had a mouth on her. And nobody I knew could party heartier than Ma, man or woman. Here's one of her best songs in the MP3 format.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Well, well, Mr. Lamar Sorrento, you're quite a creative character. I love your pictures, especially the one you did of this handsome devil.

And I've always loved your music. So, I almost tripped over my kayak on the way out the door to send you $ for your latest recording.

I want one of those free watercolors you're giving away with your music. I think combining your arts is brilliant. What a great combination painter and musician! Plus, I sure envy that Rickenbacker you own, it sounds like a living thing on your records.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Trent Reznor, Free At Last

I just got to admire you, Mr. Trent Reznor. You got the long view. You're a music biz pioneer. You are giving away your new recording for free to your fans on the WWW. I listened to your new music, and I know you're going to make a lot of your fans very happy. Now what would old Doug Morris think? Or that broke Steve Gottlieb? Mr. Trent Reznor, you're the one who's laughing now.