Friday, June 27, 2008

Trent Shows "Discipline" At The Crossroads

Mr. Trent Renzor, you continue to prove you're the master of this new medium called the World Wide Web. Posting the free Mp3 "Discipline" @ has proved you know how to spread the word and keep your fans happy.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Sign Petition, Save Endangered Echo Chambers!

They're finally listening to old Robert J. out there.

Here's a link to a petition to save the Capital Records echo chambers.

For any of you who haven't read my earlier ramblings. These echo chambers are an important part of our civilization's musical culture. So, please sign up to help these defenseless rooms designed by the late great Les Paul. I know they're not as cute as seals, but they your need help.

Friday, June 13, 2008

R. Kelly, Free At Last

R. Kelly, you got justice. They found you not guilty.

Now that's some welcome news, just hard for me to comprehend. This isn't the America I knew. I never saw a black man with a hairdo getting let go by a jury of eight whites and four blacks. That's unheard of, even if it was in big city Chicago.

Please R. Kelly, you got to fill me in, I don't want to feel super old timey. What's that urine thing all about?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jim, take the 5th.

Jim, Judge Vincen Guaghan has it right. If you don't want to testify, don't hide behind the Illinois reporter's law. Go to court and take the 5th. You watched the child porn, doesn't that make you a little guilty? If you're going to rely on your constitutional rights, choose correctly and don't self-incriminate.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jim DeRogatis Down The Crossroads With R. Kelly

Mr. Jim DeRogatis, ducking the court system just ain't that smart . If you're so righteous, why act like you got something to hide? Are you the Chicago version of Chuck Phillips, another sleazy news phony? Or are you the concerned citizen, who blew the whistle on child porn? Looking into your heart is tough, it's so small. So, I got to remember what Ryan Adams said to your answering machine. Then my simple mind wonders if it's your answering machine, how did the world get to hear it?