Monday, December 22, 2008

Warner's Pulls Out!

I wonder, who's right, Mr. Edgar Brofman, boss of WMG or YouTube's CEO Chad Hurley?

It seems that the two can't come to terms about $. Those dreams of a digital payoff by each guy just aren't happening. YouTube isn't making enough money to be profitable. WMG isn't making the $ that Edgar thinks his music is worth. So I heard Edgar has pulled all the WMG music related videos off YouTube.

Mr. Brofman, you sure play hardball. So the question is whether you need YouTube as a merchandising tool, as much as YouTube needs your content to be a popular Internet destination.

Stay tuned, lawsuit among the greedy is next.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bush Free Fugee

Just when I thought I'd seen it all. A Black Man got elected President of these United States. Then comes the news that George W. Bush, the former hanging governor of Texas and now President of these United States has commuted Fugee producer John Forte's 14 year prison sentence for drug possession. They claimed Forté’s sentence for accepting two suitcases containing $1.4 million worth of liquid cocaine wasn't fair because of mandatory minimums for drug cases. I say good work Carly Simon freeing that boy.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Picture this

My time in Nevada paid off. This United States got a new president I approve of! Now it's time I turn my attention back to the fight over some ancient photo of me.

I admit it's flattering to have these folks trying to figure if that's me in the photo that Steven “Zeke” Schein bought for $2200. That's a lot of $ for a picture. Now he's fighting with a bunch of my greedy relatives, I don't even know, about using the photo. I took my picture in a photo booth.

That's all I going to say. I just wonder if that's Jimmy Shines? I'm not sure if either one of us would be carrying a guitar that funky.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Sorry to go radio silent. I've been in Nevada helping the Obama campaign. I got so afraid this country may remain in the dark ages, I participated in my first election. After spending a lot of time listening and watching, I'm sure of my choice of Barack Obama. To realize this dramatic change for the better in our country, EVERYONE MUST VOTE! Humor this bluesman and make sure you vote in this election.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dave Stewart's American Prayer

Every once and a while this Robert is surprised by the power of music. Dave Stewart did just that. His song and video American Prayer is right on. The song is catchy and inspirational. It's loaded with people I know of and respect. The message is simple. I hope everyone sees this before November. This is important!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Tax Man Blues

Just when this Robert thinks it can't get any more screwed up than it is already. Two news stories got me really concerned and riled up my principles.

The first one claims most of the top companies doing business in our country don't pay any taxes. Even though we're a country at war, and our citizens are paying with their lives, our country's businesses are not paying anything at all.

At the same time some of the states in this fine country are either taxing or going to tax digital downloads. Seems bleeding us music lovers more, is the solution.

I thought thinking like this ended after share cropping ended. What's happening here? I thought I knew this country, but I don't know nothing.

Monday, August 4, 2008

$700,000, and Nobody's Home

Can you believe in this time of unemployment, no one will take a $700,000 job as the digital head of Sony BMG?

This Robert has seen some Sony BMG digital characters. They sure are a sorry lot. Do you know, Sony/BMG are dark ages. They don't even recognize the MP3 format?

Didn't BMG buy out and ruin Napster? And now I heard those same BMG worms are bailing out and selling their half of the recorded music company to Sony.

What losers.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ludacris, True Blue

Ludacris, I respect your concern for our country's future. The more people who get involved in this election the better.

I listened to your song "Politics: Obama is Here." You told the truth, just too truly. You've done good, but Obama has to distance himself from you.

Don't fret, my young rapper, your message is understood by all of us, and some of us don't judge your language . You aren't the only one angry at those political hacks, and we respect that you're brave and care enough to sing about your feelings.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dead Presidents Talk

Good news while I was running the rapids in my kayak.

Those wonderful Capital Records echo chambers have been saved.

You got to love it! Second Street, the developers, have agreed to a number of efforts to preserve these works of art.

According to a statement released by the EMI music group: "The agreement will protect the acoustic integrity and operations of the Capitol Records Studios and ensure it continues as one of the world's premiere recording facilities, as it has for more than 50 years." Plus, this old Robert, heard the developers will pay $100,000 to promote the studio within the recording community. As usual it's the dead presidents that do the talking.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Trent Shows "Discipline" At The Crossroads

Mr. Trent Renzor, you continue to prove you're the master of this new medium called the World Wide Web. Posting the free Mp3 "Discipline" @ has proved you know how to spread the word and keep your fans happy.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Sign Petition, Save Endangered Echo Chambers!

They're finally listening to old Robert J. out there.

Here's a link to a petition to save the Capital Records echo chambers.

For any of you who haven't read my earlier ramblings. These echo chambers are an important part of our civilization's musical culture. So, please sign up to help these defenseless rooms designed by the late great Les Paul. I know they're not as cute as seals, but they your need help.

Friday, June 13, 2008

R. Kelly, Free At Last

R. Kelly, you got justice. They found you not guilty.

Now that's some welcome news, just hard for me to comprehend. This isn't the America I knew. I never saw a black man with a hairdo getting let go by a jury of eight whites and four blacks. That's unheard of, even if it was in big city Chicago.

Please R. Kelly, you got to fill me in, I don't want to feel super old timey. What's that urine thing all about?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jim, take the 5th.

Jim, Judge Vincen Guaghan has it right. If you don't want to testify, don't hide behind the Illinois reporter's law. Go to court and take the 5th. You watched the child porn, doesn't that make you a little guilty? If you're going to rely on your constitutional rights, choose correctly and don't self-incriminate.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jim DeRogatis Down The Crossroads With R. Kelly

Mr. Jim DeRogatis, ducking the court system just ain't that smart . If you're so righteous, why act like you got something to hide? Are you the Chicago version of Chuck Phillips, another sleazy news phony? Or are you the concerned citizen, who blew the whistle on child porn? Looking into your heart is tough, it's so small. So, I got to remember what Ryan Adams said to your answering machine. Then my simple mind wonders if it's your answering machine, how did the world get to hear it?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Welcome Ma.

Yes indeed, that's Ma Rainey. To those of you who might not know, she's the Queen of the Blues.

Now she's back. She got a computer, and a broadband connection, and now she's got herself a blog. Damn the world is better with Ma back. You got to love her attitude. They'd call her a feminist these days, she was called outrageous back then. Plus she's always had a mouth on her. And nobody I knew could party heartier than Ma, man or woman. Here's one of her best songs in the MP3 format.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Well, well, Mr. Lamar Sorrento, you're quite a creative character. I love your pictures, especially the one you did of this handsome devil.

And I've always loved your music. So, I almost tripped over my kayak on the way out the door to send you $ for your latest recording.

I want one of those free watercolors you're giving away with your music. I think combining your arts is brilliant. What a great combination painter and musician! Plus, I sure envy that Rickenbacker you own, it sounds like a living thing on your records.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Trent Reznor, Free At Last

I just got to admire you, Mr. Trent Reznor. You got the long view. You're a music biz pioneer. You are giving away your new recording for free to your fans on the WWW. I listened to your new music, and I know you're going to make a lot of your fans very happy. Now what would old Doug Morris think? Or that broke Steve Gottlieb? Mr. Trent Reznor, you're the one who's laughing now.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Les Paul, Thank You, from the Inventor of Rock and Roll

I got to admit this Kayak is trickier than I pictured. But don't you worry, this Robert can swim.

I just learned a very important fact about those endangered Capital Records echo chambers. These magnificent sound rooms were designed by Les Paul.

This is as close to a shrine as you get in the grimy record world of L.A. It deserves national monument status, not 93 condos.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Save The Echo Chambers

It just snowed, maybe my last snow day, but don't worry about this Robert, I just got a kayak.

Before I go hit the slopes, I must agree with an RIAA company for the first time this year. I think EMI should save the echo chambers in the Capital Tower. These echo chambers are unique, and they would be a loss to the world of music if their character changed.

Monday, April 21, 2008

SonyBMG Jives Clive

Well, well, is nothing sacred in the music biz. Clive Davis has been deposed as ruler of the SonyBmg kingdom.

It seems although his company is selling records, it's not making enough money to justify Clive's rumored 10 million dollar salary. SonyBMG realized by demoting Mr. Davis and canning his lieutenants, they could save money without emptying the building.

Now that the logic of removing the big salaries to survive has entered the major labels' thinking, I just wonder who's next?

Monday, March 31, 2008

Sony BMG Piracy Hypocrites

Okay, Okay. Just when I thought I seen it all. Along comes the story, that Sony Bmg corporate servers are using pirated software. Where's the pot calling the kettle black here? Can you spell hypocrite?

Sony Bmg are making a company policy of using pirated software, while their bully boys, the RIAA, are suing innocent single parents.

Let's hope they don't bury this story, the way they buried people's computers that just wanted to play Sony BMG music.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Virgin, Panties and a Billy Goat

Now, I don't want to be cross-Robert, but just when I was going to get an afternoon of boarding in, late season style, Billy Corgan and his pack pick today to sue Virgin Records for using some of their songs in an and Pepsi marketing campaign.

Now I just have to sit here and say something, before I can go hit the slopes. That got easy when Pumpkin Jimmy Chamberlin, talking about his record company said, "Seems they have long forgotten how to actually 'work' for a dollar." Til then I was having trouble commenting on millionaires trivial bullshit.

But then Pumpkin logic spoke to me. The Pumpkins sound like a ho complaining about her pimp trying to market her used underwear. I just got no time for shit like this when the snow's melting.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Number 9, Number 9

It's been some fine powder this year. I just love snow.

It seems client #9, the man who brought the major labels to their knees, has stumbled over his own little head, and now he's the one on his knees.

I got to say, the ex-governor ain't cheap, he didn't skimp on his playmate. "Pay for play" has taken on new meanings.

Plus it's shameful how many record executives are rejoicing over today's resignation of Eliot Spitzer.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ska, 24 x 7

Very brave, Uptones. Very brave indeed. You posted your entire CD on the WWW. How unconventional, it is in today's music scene, to believe in your music like this. What a magnificent art statement! "The Uptones 24 x 7." Just think about it, I can learn to love your music at my own pace. I already love your dog. What's his name?

Reznor's Revenge

Mr. Trent Reznor, revenge is sweet, and I know you're really enjoying it.

It seems you blogged about this on your website.
You're just sitting back watching as TVT Records – the record company that tortured you – is now being tortured by the system.

I know you're enjoying seeing the first plantation owner you worked for being closed down. That Steve Gottlieb sure made your life as an artist famous, and then unpleasant.

Now it seems bankruptcy court has made Steve Gottlieb famous. Don't worry, unpleasant to follow.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Boss: -1, Grammys: 0

While I was boarding, It looks like Mr. NARAS Portnow has succeeded in finessing the Grammy Award Show past those poor striking writers.

Neil, good job, the record industry, already in the toilet, does need its big night. So what did you have to give those poor picketers anyway?

I just hope for your sake, this year's show doesn't suck as bad as when you tried to resuscitate poor Sly Stone. I was just wondering why did you snub the Boss? He had a #1 record this year, and he's not on American Idol.

Friday, January 18, 2008

I'm Boarding, NARAS is Pimping

The snow is good. But it looks like NARAS is pimping. So, I had to half pipe up.

That's right. Neil Portnow, Grammy man himself, insists the show shall go on, so he's plunging ahead with this year's show, writer's strike or not.

I ask the Grammy Musicians: does this help creativity and art or your bottom line?

Mr. Grammy Man, those clever words you're using don't hide the fact that you're feeding yourself and stabbing the WGA in the back.

Beyonce and Dave Grohl, shame on you too. Crossing a picket line is bad juju!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Guy Slices Paul's McCartney's Pink Slip

This snowboarding thing has got me. I'm spending all my time getting goofy. I wonder if Guy Hands at EMI is getting goofy, or if he's got the right line down the music business' slippery slope?

Mr. Hands is a financier with no music business history. His fortune came from investing in pubs and waste management. The current music industry is littered with the corpses of good business men who didn't get the record business. Since the mass manufacture of the 45 rpm records, successful record companies bribed disc jockeys and cheated recording artists. Guy, exactly how are you going to correct that?

Mr. Hands, did you hear Paul McCartney called your company boring? Damn, that's the pot calling the kettle black. Your company made Sir Paul a zillionaire and now's he's dissing you. Is he a spoiled artist or a realist?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sony/BMG's Baby Steps Retarded At Best

Sorry, I've been so quiet, I've been on vacation, then I got snowed in.

I see there's been no shortage of stupidities while I was snowboarding. I can't fault Thomas Hesse, the Sony/BMG music man, for trying get with it. I just wonder who's giving him advice. The big music company is finally seeing the smarts of DRM-free music, but with their new plan, a buyer has to get a gift card at a store. Why not sell these online? As retarded as this plan is, for the kings of encryption this is a step forward, albeit a baby step.

Sony/BMG your catalogue is still available on DRM-free CDs, in spite of your company's obnoxious efforts to encrypt the world. Why not sell all your music in the MP3 format?

I got a secret for you, here's how Sony/BMG could get on top of the music business again:
Stop concentrating on the reselling your old music and start bring the public some new music!